Early Childhood Screening is a FREE check of a child's hearing and vision, weight and height, health history, immunizations, speech and language, general development and motor skills. Minnesota law requires Early Childhood Screening before a child can enter kindergarten.
Early Childhood Screening is NOT a readiness test for kindergarten, and the results will not affect your child's ability to enroll in kindergarten. Screening identifies children who may have health or developmental concerns and allows for appropriate assistance as early as possible. This assistance helps children get off to a good start when they enter school. Parents gain information about their child's health and overall development at screenings, in addition to available resources that help children grow.
We strive to make screening welcoming, fun, and positive for every child but understand that it can be a new and scary experience. To help your child get ready for Early Childhood Screening, talk with them about how they will be playing fun games, getting ready for school, and having their eyes and ears checked.
To learn more, check out this video from the Minnesota Department of Education.